Mentality Monday #7 & Healthy Living Monday

Monday, January 20, 2014

So I decided to merge the two Monday posts today because the quote I picked for today works so well with both posts! I want you all to remember as you begin this new week the beauty that comes from surviving struggle. You're never as proud of yourself for an achievement as you are when you have fought for it. It's what makes watching athletes and artists so amazing - they're doing something you either couldn't do or it would take a lot of pain and effort to be able to do (granted there are some things I will simply never be able to do, but there are a lot that I could do if I worked for it). Embrace your struggle this week and think about what you're working for.

There is no recipe for this fitness Monday post, but I have started my gym routine today of going to the gym every morning at least 5 days a week. It's not the best thing in the world to have to wake up so early (considering I'm really not a morning person) but there's some great things with it too. I get to start my day with fitness and set the tone for the rest of the day, and I also get to have some time alone first thing in the morning. Which - let me tell you - is just awesome. I'm still eating healthy and low carb (yay eggs and bacon!) but the daily exercise will be a big move of improvement to not only losing weight but just returning to the fit person I used to be. And to getting me closer to those 5 and 10k races I want to do this year!

Hope that you all have a wonderful Monday and enjoy the week focusing on the good that will come from the bad in your life. There's always something to be grateful for - you just have to find it.

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