A confession about my husband.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I know I'm very late today with my post, I just left the house this morning before I even realized I hadn't written for the day! So, without any further adieu - here's my confession for the week.

I love my husband. For those of you who don't know him, his name is Corey. The confession, though, since hopefully my being in love with him is not news - is that I believe he is absolutely, 100% the most perfect partner I could have ever found. Yes, there are other fish in the sea that I could have chosen. However, he is the one that makes me feel safe. He is the one who makes me adventurous. He is the reason I can feel at home no matter where in the country I am. Wherever he leads, I will follow because he is the person who makes me feel whole. He keeps me silly, he makes me laugh, he pushes me to try new things, and go to places I never would have considered. He fights with me and keeps me on my toes - he helps me realize what is and isn't worth fighting for. As we begin this year, I already know we'll be going into an amazing new adventure and I still can't know where it will take us or how - but I know one thing for sure: if he's there, I'll be there - and we'll be exactly where we're supposed to be. For all the miles we have traversed to be with one another and to stay with one another ... for all the flights, midnight and dawn roadtrips, letters, emails, photos, Skype dates, and care packages - it is all a part of the story that built us.

It isn't really a surprising confession, but it's what I'm feeling and thinking today so I'm using the metaphorical loudspeaker of this blog to say it all loud and proud to him as he sits on our couch in Cleveland and I sit on my parents' couch in Archer, Florida watching our sons run around and play as they watch Finding Nemo for the 84,000th time. So now, this part is directly to Corey:

I'll love you forever. I'll fight with you (and pick fights with you, let's be honest) and make up with you, I'll compromise and antagonize, I'll tackle you and cuddle you, I'll pestercate you and cover you in fishy kisses, I'll annoy you and mystify you ... but no matter what I'm doing, I'll always be with you. We'll work through our differences, we'll realign priorities, and we'll build a life together. We'll create a history to lean back on as we move forward into the unknown. Full of song lyrics, movie, and book quotes, full of silly jokes, pillow fights, and pranks - it'll be endlessly worth it. You're more like my father and grandfather than I first realized, but I could never explain how grateful for all of those qualities in you that I first fell in love with. Your tenderness, your fierceness, your loyalty, and your absolute passion for me and our future together. - Thank you for being my best friend and the boy I'll always be wrapped up in.

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