Today I'm thankful for having had the opportunity to begin a new year of my life with a new perspective. I (like everyone) spend so much of my time thinking about what I need to do for me, my sons, and our life as a family - that I rarely if ever think about what I can do to make the lives of others better. After my birthday this week, I've decided to make that a bigger part of my life and incorporate it whenever I can. I have already told you that I plan to make food to take to the homeless once a week, but I'll also continue to tell people compliments whenever I think of one - because who doesn't like hearing they look really pretty? Or having a stranger second and support your clothing decision in the dressing room? I'll be trying to do what I can to think of others whenever I can.
Mind you, this is not to say that I won't also spend time focusing on myself or my family. Doing too much of a good thing can lead to bad things if you aren't trying to keep a healthy balance. Moderation and all that, yes? I also don't want you all to think that I write about these things to tell you how amazing I am or how you should all spend every minute of every day thinking about how you can do acts of kindness. My goal with this is to make myself a better person. To be more - and do more. This isn't about thanks or recognition. I want to do these things because I know I can, and that I should. I hope that if you start doing acts of kindness or charity that you will do them for the right reasons as well.
I hope you all have a great weekend, I'll be spending the rest of today getting things ready for my son's birthday party and the weekend enjoying time with him, my other little one, and my newly returned husband. Until Monday, here are a couple things for you to enjoy and fiddle with:
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