Fruitful Living, Week 2

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy Wednesday, everyone! It's the beginning of week 2 of my 52 week project to live the fruits of the spirit. Above you can see the list I wrote out for last week's project, to list the ways in which you can love others. This was really fun to do because it helped me really think about how I show my love to those around me. Today I am going to start a week focusing on how I love and actively loving my kids, Owen & Mac. They are truly the cheery rays of sunshine in my day .... most days, haha. Even amidst the moments when they are driving me up the wall and I am ready to give up on this whole mom shindig though, they'll smile or do something sweet that just makes it better ever so slightly.

Like last night how Owen was kicking me in the face all night, but at one point around 4 he searched in the bed we're sharing to find and hold my hand as he slept. Or how last week when Mac was sick with a bug of some kind and was extraordinarily clingy and spending his nights throwing up all over himself and everything surrounding him, he was so loving and sweet and snuggled right up into me like when he was a newborn. I forget so easily (like we all do) how much I truly love my sons. I get so busy with yelling at toddler things and controlling temper tantrums or picking up toys over and over, that I forget to spend time with them being silly and fun sometimes. So this week, I'm going to try each day to do something fun with them that they would like to do, to try and yell less and get angry less. I'll give you an update on how that's going sometime this week! Enjoy the rest of your hump day, all!

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