"Love is the voice under all silences..."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I adore everything about elephants. Their bodies are massive and strong but they're so gentle and peaceful looking. They carry the best symbolic features. Reliability, dignity, power, royalty, pride, and also in the form of Ganesha who is the god of luck. In Christian symbolism the elephant is an icon of temperance, patience and chastity. <3
Since today as January 1st, is Wednesday, it is fortuitous that I have planned a project to write about living the fruits of the spirit all year on Wednesdays. For January and February I will focus on Love, the first of the nine fruits of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22. The fruit of the spirit are nine things "against which there is no law". So I am going to begin this new year with a list. Yep, a list. I have long been interested in the 52 Lists Project and think that this is a perfect post to start it myself. I am going to work in my own order (Starting today with week 6's list) but I will use the lists that were originally thought up for the project. Week six's prompt was to 'list the ways in which you can love others'. I'll be writing my list in the next few days and will share it with you soon. Enjoy your new year everyone!

*I'm sorry these are shorter posts than I'd planned but started feeling off yesterday and woke up this morning very sick. Hopefully it won't last long, but in any case, I'm excited for the beginning of this year and all of the amazing things it will hold for my family and myself. What are you looking forward to this year?

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