"I finally got an answer.."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Originally posted on my personal blog: Rockets, Swords, & Shields on February 17, 2011

"All those years that I prayed - that I begged on my hands and knees - for God to make me more, give me more, make me better, make me stronger, make me saner, - make all my dreams come true - I finally got an answer. You. Right there in one person, all I'd ever wanted to be or do." 
- Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

In five days, Owen will be a month old. I am completely incapable of comprehending how that happened. I still feel like we were just at the hospital going through labor. Over the less couple days I've been becoming acquainted with the reality of being a mom by myself - you see, my mom left on Sunday and Corey promptly got sick Tuesday afternoon so this week has been very much just me and Owen. We have camped out in the living room, giving Corey the master bedroom and some space so he doesn't hear Owen cry in the night, and the most "fun" part has been that Owen started going through what I'm deciding must be a growth spurt yesterday afternoon so he has been eating every 1 1/2- 2 hours (mind you, he eats for 30 minutes at a time) so that isn't leaving much time for any kind of normal sleep pattern, or eating, or anything really. Thus the reason that it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm writing a blog...
I decided to write this blog however, with the idea in mind that since Owen is turning a month old in a few days, it would be cool to write either a blog centered around him or a blog kind of letter addressed to him. I think it's turning into both in a way, because the letter part is still forthcoming. So enjoy, or don't if you so choose. 
To my beautiful little man, my Buddy, my monkey,
There are some things that I never liked about being pregnant with you. It was an exhausting process, that for a majority of the time was painful or in the very least uncomfortable. Labor was every ounce of the most pain I've ever experienced in my life (yes, my child, I had an epidural - but that was only effective for certain portions of the labor - and by no means did it save me from the most painful part towards the end), however, at the end of that particular day twenty-six days ago - I got you. As you can tell, that has not washed away my memories of how things really happened, as so many would like to pretend it does, but I will say that regardless of how miserable it was - you are worth it. 
Over the last few weeks, I have been your source of sustenance, comfort, and security. None of that will change any time soon, but I do want to tell you that even at those moments when you frustrate me most - whether it be your obstinate way of refusing to eat even though I know you're hungry, or you're cries and temper tantrums simply because you're bored and want more attention - even though you utterly exhaust me at those moments, I can't even find myself capable of getting upset for more than a few seconds because I look at you and find myself overtaken by feelings of happiness just at how beautiful you are. It amazes me how mellow of a child you have been since birth, after such a complicated pregnancy, and I am endlessly thankful for how perfect you are despite how many things could have gone wrong throughout my pregnancy and specifically the end of my labor which led to your birth by c-section. Despite all of those possibilities though, God still was kind enough to give me a son with no health problems, who has the most beautiful face that can literally calm me down no matter what I'm feeling simply because I am so grateful. 
I know that this is only the beginning, and that your abilities to exhaust, infuriate, and utterly wear me down will only increase over time - but I also know just as surely, that my feelings of gratefulness will always accompany my consciousness whenever I think about or look at you. I will never forget how incredibly thankful I was when you were born and your Dad said that everything was okay. I will also always remember how saddened I was for the couple down the hall from us in the hallway on the postpartum floor who had to give birth to their child at 25 weeks due to complications and early labor - and how much more appreciative I was to God again for giving you to me in such perfect health and beauty once I was reminded how easily things can go awry. 
Owen, my baby, my son, - I write all of these things so that you know that despite all of the hardships that may befall us throughout life and parenthood, you have always been - and will always be - worth it. I love you..

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