Thankful Friday

Friday, December 20, 2013

This week I've been thankful for my family as I always am, but today I'm really thankful for the peacefulness and inherit therapy of a long road trip. Starting today my husband, sons, and myself are going to be making the 1300+ mile journey from one family home in Minnesota to another family home in Florida. Over three days we'll travel through eight states, sing hours of songs, stop at silly roadside stops (which I'm a sucker for), and generally enjoy each others' company. We as a family have had an incredibly stressful and emotional time in the last few weeks and I'm so grateful for the time we'll have in the car to decompress and process everything that has happened. 

Some get anxious and annoyed at the prospect of being on the road for a long period of time, but I truly love it. Roadtrips are endlessly fun to me - it's exploration at its finest. Stopping at different restaurants (not the ever-present McDonalds), exploring silly roadside attractions, - you know. Typical nonsense. That's the stuff of dreams for me. Roadtrips have given me some of the best memories I've ever with friends and family. Truthfully, it's one of my favorite things about living far away from my hometown. 

In any case, I'm off to start the first day of our drive - hope you all enjoy your weekend and festivities you may have planned! I'll be back Monday morning, here's some things to get you to that workday whistle:

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