R.A.C.K. Update #2

Friday, December 20, 2013

Another week of R.A.C.K. has passed, and this week has been again family focused acts for me. We had a loss at the very beginning of this week, so I have spent most of my time trying to keep my sons out of everyone's hair but also trying to provide everyone with what they need. Since I'm southern, a lot of food was involved. A chicken pot pie, a cheesecake, some pasta salad... what can I say, when things get stressful and upsetting, I've been trained to cook. Other than fattening people up, there's been a lot of effort to comfort those around me in whatever way I could. Holding lipsticks, giving bear hugs, and generally being there for my family. It wasn't my original plan for R.A.C.K., however, apparently God had something else planned for me.

Today we leave Minnesota to make a drive down to Florida and spend some time with my family back home so I think my R.A.C.K.'s for the coming week will involve more strangers this week. Hoping all of you who are traveling like us this weekend make it to your destinations safe and sound, enjoy your weekend!

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