Supporting your local foodbank is a HUGE deal. My family tries to help our local Cleveland Foodbank as much as we can because we know how huge a problem hunger and poverty is in our area. As of 2010, 22% of children in America live below the poverty line (just over $22,000/year for a family of four!). There are estimated to be 16 million kids that live without access to sufficient and nutritious food on a regular basis - 49 million people in total. Hunger is a massive problem in our country. To give you some perspective on that kind of a number, the population of New York City is 8.337 million people. That means twice the population of NYC entirely in children go hungry here in one of the most affluent countries on the planet. The populations of New York City, Dallas, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Orlando, Seattle, and ALL of Hawaii still only add up to just over 20 million people - still less than half of all the people fighting hunger in the United States.
You can help your community with this fight by looking up your local foodbank and then deciding to donate a generous gift of however much you can afford, or simply donate some groceries to their headquarters! Volunteers are always appreciated at these organizations and in many cases gravely needed. Call today and find out how you can best help and serve your community. Living your life without helping those in need, you don't even realize how much your missing out on. Volunteering and becoming involved with your area is an incredibly rewarding experience which will give you memories that you'll treasure for the rest of your life.
This holiday season, and throughout the year, remember as you sit down to enjoy your dinner or your deliciously warm breakfast how many go without what you are so easily enjoying. Make a promise to yourself to help others this year. You'll be happy you did - and so will the people you help.
If you're in the Cleveland area, you can learn more about our Foodbank and how to support them here. If you live elsewhere, scoot on over to Google and discover how you can get involved!
Have a blessed and warm Tuesday, everyone!
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