Mentality Monday #9

Monday, February 3, 2014

Good morning! Law of Bambi has returned to action after a week's break. Beginning this new month, I'm looking ahead to what will be happening. I will be continuing posts about love on Wednesdays as I move into the second month of Living the Fruits of the Spirit, towards the middle of the month I will be posting my second interview and along with that starting my second 30 day challenge - and it's going to be awesome! There will be more confessions, more causes to share with you that are worth supporting, and more things to be thankful for. I hope you enjoy it all.

With our Mentality Monday quote this morning, I want to remind everyone to truly think about the things you say and do. It occurs to me how many thoughtless and insensitive things are said through the mask of social media or under the excuse of "a joke." If it is at someone else's expense - it's not funny. It makes you a bully. Think about what you're saying! You might be referring to a famous person or someone you don't know, but you're really referring to anyone who has been through the same situation. It may seem low key and like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, until you're sitting on the other side of those comments hearing someone talk senselessly about a situation they know nothing about. Don't make assumptions about things you know nothing of. Even if you have been through something similar - it's not yours to judge or minimize. We're all different. What is excruciatingly hard for me to deal with could be simply not an issue for you. Don't presume to understand another's battles. Give them some compassion and love. That's what they need from you - not more criticism. Think of others more often this week, please. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

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