Happy Valentine's Day, from the recluse

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's idea via No Biggie

Sorry for the absence this week, everyone. I'm traveling and trying to find a new home for my family as we relocate across the country to Colorado. I've been thinking about the blog a lot and the projects I've been working on, like my challenge which ends today to not use my cellphone when I'm with other people or out on a date - I've done really well on it and have been so grateful for the opportunity to commit to spending my time focused on those I'm with and not social media. I do have a new interview to share with you all which includes a new 30 day challenge for me, but I'm going to have to save it for some time in the future. I have too many things happening right now between our relocation, packing, coordinating all of the moving parts with that and still doing my work for school. Because of all of that, I'm stepping away from Law of Bambi for the time being until things get settled again. I wish I could give you an exact date for that, but unfortunately I don't even know specifically when we'll finally be moving yet. Just know that the blog is not done, I'm still here. I just have life responsibilities right now that trump the time commitment that a daily blog requires. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day, and as one of my good friends said this morning - make sure to let someone know you love them today even if you aren't in a relationship. Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers, so show more love today. I don't know a single person who couldn't use a little extra care. 

Until we meet again, sweets.

Fruitful Living: Loving Myself

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This week I'm focusing on remembering to love myself. I'm appreciating the progress I've made to becoming a better person as well as a more healthy me. I'm enjoying my life, thinking about all of the positive and good things happening. I'm being positive and ignoring the little voices that snip and criticize every little detail about myself. I could go on and on and make this a long post about loving myself, but honestly, I just don't know that anyone cares to read my post of self love. So instead, I'm going to go and enjoy a cup of tea, watch the snow continue to come down outside, and be happy all on my own. Have a great Wednesday, all!

Causes Worth Supporting: Hospice

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Photo courtesy of Tennessee Hospice Organization

This week I think it's time we looked at supporting an organization that has been there for most of our families at one time or another: Hospice. The Hospice organizations around the country do some of the most beautiful work in healthcare. They make everyone as comfortable as possible in their last months, weeks, or days - and give their patients as much dignity and respect as they deserve. I have experienced family losses many times with Hospice's presence and I volunteered with the local Hospice while I was in high school. This is an organization that not only cares for the patient, but the entire family. The nurses are as caring and sweet as you could ever imagine, and grief counseling is offered for each family to help them through their grieving for a over a year after the loss. Hospice Houses offer a wonderful location to stay for patients that cannot or do not wish to live out their days at home, still giving all members of the family the familiar comforts of a home whenever possible. 

Hospice relies on donations (linked to our local Hospice in Cleveland) to continually offer their services to any qualifying patient regardless of their situation or ability to pay. This is a great kindness when you consider the monumental costs of aging, painkillers - medications in general, and most chronic or incurable conditions. Not to mention the numerous services that Hospice workers provide directly to the families of those in their care. 

 In the field of cinema, there have been some wonderful films that teach us about valuing life for its temporality while showing the beauty that is the succinct existence of a human life. One of my very favorite films does just that in a beautifully, utterly magical way - and that film is Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. I won't tell you anything about the story, though I will share this one quote that illustrates a piece of why I love the film so much. Before I share that though - let's try to remember to support those who support us in our times of greatest needs, alright? They more than deserve it.


Fitness: Yoga beginnings

Monday, February 3, 2014


So I've been doing yoga for a few weeks now. I use this app called Daily Yoga that comes with routines to go through as well as a separate pose library when I don't feel like doing a specific routine. I am not the most flexible person in the world anymore, but it is getting better and I definitely feel good after doing it. I have been doing 30-60 minutes of yoga most days and enjoying that I am breaking a sweat doing something so relaxing and restorative. I'm looking forward to become better at these positions and moving onto more complicated ones - what would be truly amazing to me is if one day I could do a headstand. I've literally never done a single headstand in my entire life. Ever. Z.E.R.O. So maybe yoga will fix that for me.

I'm still doing a low carb diet and have been doing really well (though last night I did cheat for dinner and enjoyed some carby things at a Superbowl party, though not remotely as much as I would have had a few months ago). I've lost 1 pound this week, which isn't a ton, but it's been a busy week and besides doing my yoga at home I haven't been working out at the gym so I'm not burning as many calories as I had been. Planning to return to the gym though and get into the habit of a yoga routine and gym workout each day, with yoga being a 7 days/week goal and the gym 5 days/week. I hope you guys check out this app though if you're interested in starting yoga, because it's the best I've tried so far and has a lot of different options to keep it from getting too stale.

Happy Monday, all!

Mentality Monday #9

Monday, February 3, 2014

Good morning! Law of Bambi has returned to action after a week's break. Beginning this new month, I'm looking ahead to what will be happening. I will be continuing posts about love on Wednesdays as I move into the second month of Living the Fruits of the Spirit, towards the middle of the month I will be posting my second interview and along with that starting my second 30 day challenge - and it's going to be awesome! There will be more confessions, more causes to share with you that are worth supporting, and more things to be thankful for. I hope you enjoy it all.

With our Mentality Monday quote this morning, I want to remind everyone to truly think about the things you say and do. It occurs to me how many thoughtless and insensitive things are said through the mask of social media or under the excuse of "a joke." If it is at someone else's expense - it's not funny. It makes you a bully. Think about what you're saying! You might be referring to a famous person or someone you don't know, but you're really referring to anyone who has been through the same situation. It may seem low key and like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, until you're sitting on the other side of those comments hearing someone talk senselessly about a situation they know nothing about. Don't make assumptions about things you know nothing of. Even if you have been through something similar - it's not yours to judge or minimize. We're all different. What is excruciatingly hard for me to deal with could be simply not an issue for you. Don't presume to understand another's battles. Give them some compassion and love. That's what they need from you - not more criticism. Think of others more often this week, please. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

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