"...It brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. "

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Originally posted on my personal blog: Rockets, Swords, & Shields on June 30, 2011

Here we are, finishing the second week of the challenge. Only one left? Wow! I will say it is easier to consolidate what I wrote/did into incremental entries rather than trying to write a full thing every day. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

Day 10: Pick one of your five senses to focus on each day. Take note of how many gifts come to you via that single part of entry. Write about this experience.

So I did this for a couple days, focusing on my sight, hearing, and sense of smell. And it was wonderful.

The first day was focused on hearing and I adored paying closer attention to the sound of Corey’s voice, and Owen’s coos and laughs. I listened to the rain, and to the birds that come to our porch through my bribes of birdseed. The sound of the wind in the trees outside relaxed me and gave me an appreciation for summer I haven’t felt since I was a kid.

The second day I focused on my sight – feeling especially thankful for how much I still love and appreciate being able to see Corey physically in front of me every day, as compared to the many years of long distance and missing his physical presence in my life. I took a walk and looked at gorgeous flowers and plants blooming all over the place in the neighborhoods near our house, and watched Owen as he intently looked around learning constantly about new things that will one day become normal and virtually unnoticed. I watched him look back at me, recognize me and smile his cute new-toothy smile. I looked at my books and the book I’m currently reading, obscenely grateful for my ability to experience one of the greatest loves of my life – literature – and being able to enjoy their company, and the sense of home they give me.

The last day, I was paying attention to my sense of smell and took note of the great smells of what I was cooking (particularly a BBQ Chicken & Provolone Grilled Cheese I invented). The smell of Corey’s cologne that I have always loved – remembering that when we were apart I grew emotionally attached to the smell as it would be embedded in my clothes when I would come home from visiting him, and it would make me feel as though he weren’t so far away. The smell of Owen’s newly washed hair – to quote Gilmore Girls, “She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out... I was someone new. She had me.” – That’s exactly what goes through my head whenever I look at him, smell his hair or skin, or hear him make some adorably cute new sound.

Day 11: Try to see the world through the eyes of a child. Think about the things you take for granted on a daily basis, and then express gratitude for everything down to the basic necessities that sustain your current life.

Rather than write a long thing here, I wrote a list of the things that I appreciate & particularly loved as a kid – and how amazing they still are – even though they somehow get taken for granted as we get older.

Magic markers, Freshly cut grass, Swimming pools, Stickers, Watercolors & Finger paints, Apples, Cheese, Soft Blankets, Bubbles, Strawberries, Oranges, Cool Whip, Cinnamon Sugar on Toast, Waffles with Syrup, Flowers, Birds, Rain, Thunder, Dandelion puffs, Butterflies, Chipmunks

That’s my list. Consider each one, and you’ll remember how amazing they were to you as a kid.

Day 12: Today, make the effort to live life with a positive outlook. Restrain from criticizing the people around you. Dare to see the glass half full. Listen more than you speak. Give freely of yourself. Practice kindness at every opportunity.

The hard part of this one was seeing the glass half full and to restrain from criticizing – which I altered to include sarcastic remarks, my weakness & default in communication. I have been doing better though and decided to keep making this effort every day through the rest of the challenge (and beyond?). I do notice though that so far in the challenge I really have been feeling more generally happy and appreciative of my life and circumstances. It’s a great change that’s happening.

Day 13: Pick three friends or family members you see regularly. View their actions and gestures through a positive lens, assuming their goodness and witnessing their best intentions.

Since the only people I see are Corey and Owen, I mended this to include friends and family I talk to regularly. Which I chose to be my friend Shaina, my sister Brittany, and my sister Kristi (who the day before this, on day 12, gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl named Bridget Marie). I was confused by this post, since I feel like I always do this with them but none the less I made a point to do it, and I feel like my positive attitude towards them was reflected in our conversation and just made the whole experience more positive – though with Kristi, that could easily be credited to that gorgeous new wee babe. : )

Day 14: It’s been two weeks since you started The Gratitude Challenge. Write about how The Challenge has changed your perspective thus far.

I kind of talked about this in the day 12 entry, but I’ll write a bit more about it today. Since starting this challenge two weeks ago, my perspective regarding my unemployment situation and how my life is going has completely changed. I have gone from frustration and fear to be completely excited and working on trying to find new opportunities and new paths for myself. It has led to some new projects and possibly new life avenues, though that is for another day when things have progressed a bit more. I have realized how what I had always thought was the basic plan for my life (and really, what we all grow up with) is not necessarily how my life is going to go – or should go. This openness in my life is an opportunity, and I plan to take full advantage of it. I’m getting the chance to invent an entirely new existence for myself, which I feel like few people do – or they just don’t have the courage to take part in it.


“When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears”

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Originally posted on my personal blog: Rockets, Swords, & Shields on June 25, 2011

So, I haven't posted simply because the last few days haven't really been assignments that involve much writing. I'll post them so you know what I mean and the blog continues its fluidity though:

Day 6: Take a few minutes to call someone you haven't talked to in a while. Tell them how much you appreciate them.

Day 7: Take a picture of one thing, person, place, or specific moment that makes you feel grateful. Share it with your social network.

Day 8: Send thank you notes to five people who deserve a little recognition.

Laurel Sherer, Brittany Lovvorn, Miki Wolfe, Teresa Corbin, and Anita Simoneaux --- you've got mail comin' your way. : )

Day 9: Enjoy the people around you. Take a moment to appreciate their unique talents, abilities and personalities.

 The people around me are Owen & Corey. While I most definitely did take many moments today to think about them as we spent time together on such a beautiful Saturday, I'm going to skip writing anything as I have written a lot about them in the last couple entries and I fear redundancy. 

So those are the last few days, I've looked ahead though and the next few days each offer opportunities to write. And it should be noted that each of these weeks has a theme, the first having been "Being Grateful for What You Have" and as of Day 8, the second week's theme started with the focus "Be Grateful for Everything Around You". 

That being said, have a lovely Saturday night and enjoy your Sunday - I certainly will be.

"..Our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Originally posted on my personal blog: Rockets, Swords, & Shields on June 21, 2011

Day 4: Write a short message of thanks for some of the “negative” things in your life.

Well, this shouldn’t be too complicated for me to do. While I’m currently working to avoid thinking about things negatively, I certainly don’t need to be asked twice to write off what those things are. The biggest being the whole unemployment scenario – which, I know, is probably a bit of a broken record topic at this point but none the less, I’m told to write about negative things in my life and that’s the main thing these days.

The reasons for why I consider unemployment are negative, are obvious, and well versed on this blog already. However, the reasons for why it is positive haven’t really been discussed to my knowledge, so here I will say that I am thankful for not having to work right now because of the following:

First and foremost, I am getting to enjoy a gift that most women I know are not able to take part in, and that is being a stay at home mom. Sure it may be temporary, but if there was any time I could choose to be at home for Owen’s life – this would be it. Every day, it seems, there is something new happening or a big change coming – he is constantly learning and growing in new ways that I feel completely privileged to be able to witness. I know that this is time I will never get back and that I will forever cherish being home with him so there is a silver lining to this cloud.

Secondly, not having to work right now is allowing me to get some plans and research done for things that had always been far off dreams. Giving me the chance to figure out how – and when – to make them a reality, which may not have been possible if I had to juggle working 40-50 hours a week along with being a mom to an infant. The brain power just wouldn’t be present at the end of the day to think about how to open a bookstore eventually, the cost, business plan, and etcetera. Or actually realizing that I should do more than just toss around vague general statements of how I should or will “one day” write a book – and now, instead of not knowing what I would ever write about (should I finally have the inclination), I have realized two books that are in me to write, if not more. I have taken note of my heroes and what they have taught me, I have pondered things that need to be fixed in our society – and ways that I could start working to help bring a solution about.

Lastly, I have gotten the time to really know myself. My identity is not a mystery, nor a monster in the shadows. I know the good and the bad about myself, and am okay with it. Rather than plowing into a career mindlessly with the expectation that one day I will know who I am and be happy/successful/blah, blah, blah – I know who I am now, I am happy now, I am successful now. Albeit in a different way than was originally planned – but perhaps that was the problem: believing that I wasn’t successful in life until I had achieved career and educations goals “a,” “b,” and “c.” My life over the last few years has not gone according to plan, but it’s worked out better in some ways than I could have planned it to, and maybe I should be taking that to heart and truly realizing how little “success” really means to a happy life.

Day 5: Take five minutes to write about how grateful you are for all of the wonderful things that you currently have in your life. Don’t long for what you don’t possess – instead, take stock of all the blessings you already enjoy.

Okay, it is 11:44pm, and I am now beginning my five minutes. The wonderful things I currently have in my life – list, and then expansion: Corey, Owen, Cleveland, Brittany, “projects”, our home.

Corey and Owen are givens really – but then, I think my entire list, is pretty self-explanatory. They mean the world to me and quite literally complete my life. What I don’t have or do is never as big a deal when I am taking into consideration what they both mean to me. Cleveland is far away yes, but it is a new adventure with Corey, and it is beautiful. The weather is perfectly amazing every day – even when it’s raining, it’s gorgeous. I’ve gotten to experience so much and learn about an entirely new part of the country that I had never seen before moving here – and there is still SO much! Brittany – another piece of my life’s puzzle that I 100% could not survive without. We don’t talk every day but it’s enough to keep close and just enough to make me miss her. She is the other half of my soul, and when I talk to her – even through texts – I feel more like myself, and more alive. The “projects” I’ve already written about on here are such a blessing; I love doing Susie Homemaker things and it makes me so happy to be doing stuff for Corey and I to enjoy as a family and not just in my own home, and I am truly excited about the possibilities awaiting me from all the things I have coming. Our home, it may not have been perfect at all times in the last year, but it is Corey and I’s first place together, where I spent the bulk of my pregnancy, cooked my first Thanksgiving – and Christmas – meals, and brought Owen home to spend the beginning of his life. For that, I will always love this apartment and forever have a strong sentimentality attached to it.

And that is 8 minutes of writing, folks. : ) Be back in a day or two with the next assignments. Hoping all is going well, and that a pleasant week is reaching everyone. Goodnight, Void. 

What a Wonderful World

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Originally posted on my personal blog: Rockets, Swords, & Shields on June 19, 2011

First – while I did my assignment for Day 2 of the Gratitude challenge on time, I didn’t post it on here yesterday because I got distracted getting my hair done and taking Owen swimming for the first time. : ) So here it is:

Day 2: Use the alphabet as a fun and quick format for making a list of things for which you feel grateful. Share this list with your social network through email, a blog post or a Facebook or Myspace page.

A: adventure                                               N: nieces
B: books                                                     O: owen
C: corey                                                      P: pets
D: debates with friends                                Q: questions
E: experience                                              R: relatives
F: faith                                                        S: soulmates
G: gardening                                                T: travel
H: health                                                     U: ustime with corey
I:  imagination                                              V: vision
J:  jokes                                                      W: weddings
K: kisses                                                     X: xxx ;)
L: love                                                        Y: youth
M: muffins                                                  Z: zoos

Now, to continue to be on time I’ll go ahead and post day 3 in this same entry. It’s actually rather fitting since today is Father’s Day: 

Day 3: Write about something you feel grateful for in your life today.

I’m grateful for my family. I could write entire blogs about each person and what they mean to me, but since today is Father’s Day, I’m going to limit it to my Dad and Corey.

To begin, my Dad – or Daddy, as I still proudly and lovingly call him – has always been someone I looked up to. I have watched him for my entire life, wanting to do and say things in the same way he did, making his interests my own to further my relationship with him. This is why I now have such a lifelong love of fishing, as well as a great affinity towards watching and following professional golf (even though I am much too uncoordinated to learn to play myself, sadly). My Dad taught me and continues to teach by example – how to have a streak of pride in yourself, but more so in your family; being honest and living with integrity; learning to live independently but always knowing that family is there if you need them – no matter the situation or the consequences.  He taught me that there is nothing wrong with a man crying – nothing – and that telling someone you love them should be as common as saying “Hello,” because what else could be more important to say? He has been an amazing father through my life, and I am so excited for the future and watching him get to enjoy being a Granddad to Owen. : )

Corey is new to being a Dad still, but he is hitting it out of the park so far. In the midst of everything that is so busy and hectic about our life, Corey stands strong with a constant love and excitement for spending time with Owen. He loves to play with him, invent games, cuddle, and simply watch Owen learn. – Such as this week, when he finally started to grab his own feet. : )Corey helps happily without ever worrying about the hassle – and he gets so protective over his little man, checking on Owen in his crib at least once for every night. : ) He grew up with a wonderful example of a father in his own home, and I have no doubt that he’s going to be a better father to Owen than I could have ever dreamed of. 

So, Happy Father's Day to all of you who mean so much to the rest of us - appreciation and gratitude, they just don't seem to be big enough words in this situation. 

New challenges, new ideas, new outlook

Friday, June 17, 2011

Originally posted on my personal blog: Rocket, Swords, & Shields on June 17, 2011

Hello, Void. Did you have a good week? Here we have been enjoying spectacular weather and new smiles from Owen every day. He continues to get familiar (and less scared of) his laugh, talks constantly, and today started to find his feet for the first time. Through all of the crazy things happening, and the intense lack of employment taking place in my department, Owen honestly is like a baby version of Vicodin. There isn't anything special or over-emotional about it - he simply makes me happy. I've always been entertained my simple things, but this kid makes me literally spend most of my day just smiling at how adorable he is all the time. It entertains me so much to watch him learn new things every single day and each time he smiles, it's like watching a Disney movie for the first time.

Since the wee one has such a positive effect on me in the midst of all this frustration, I've realized that I need to finally work to change my perspective a little to try and be a bit more generally happy with how my life is - because while it is truly necessary I find a job .. there's no telling how long it will be before I have one. And I'm simply no longer interested in letting it bother me. Instead, Corey and I are discussing our options as a family, and I am working on some projects to change how I live my life day-to-day outside of Owen. I'm doing some research for a long term project regarding happiness, learning, and education; I've also been asked to take part in a co-op blog which will start sometime soon - don't worry, I'll give more info once it gets more developed; this entire year I've been working to try new recipes and expand my cooking horizons, and that still moves forward; and lastly a challenge to possibly change how I think of things.

First up, a good friend of mine introduced me to something that was created by Tiny Prints (which is a favorite site of mine, and the place where we bought Owen's birth announcements from) that is called the Gratitude Challenge. This challenge is meant to teach each of us to take a little time each day to be thankful for what is in our life. Over the course of 21 days, I will spend each day completing a task that is written out in the calendar of the challenge which I have printed out and mounted on the wall about our computer. I really want to commit to this and work to make a change with how I choose to initially react to something. This is not going to completely eradicate my pessimism (which I lovingly call realism) but hopefully it will help my general demeanor to be a bit happier and more thankful for the things that are going well in my life despite the things that are problematic at the time.

So I believe that this serves to meet my commitment for Day 1, which asks that I sign the contract and make a commitment to take note and give thanks for the next 21 days. Express why "you" accepted this challenge and what "you" hope to achieve from it. So here we are. Signed, sealed, and delivered.
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